Exchanges & Returns

Exchanges can only be made up to 7 days before the event date.

It is possible to exchange your purchase for a workshop of your choice or a voucher of equal value..

To do so, please contact with the order number and associated name.

After 7 days and up to 48 hours before the event, no exchanges will be made. A refund can still be requested, but only half of the amount paid will be refunded.

After the stipulated deadlines, exchanges or refunds will only be made with medical justification.

A workshop refund can be requested and will be made in the same form of payment used for the purchase.

Refunds can only be claimed up to 20 days before the event date..

To do so, please contact with the order number, associated name and cause of cancellation.

After 7 days and up to 48 hours before the event, a refund can still be requested, but only half of the amount paid will be refunded.

After the stipulated deadlines, exchanges or refunds will only be made with medical justification.

Os vouchers têm uma validade de 12 meses a contar a partir da data de compra, exceto promoções atuais onde este prazo possa ser alargado.

Once the agreed validity period has expired, it can only be extended in justified cases.

To request an extension, please contact and indicate the voucher code and the associated name.

Os serviços serão prestados na data indicada na encomenda. Após a compra efetuado todas as informações acerca do mesmo serão enviadas por email.
